What Does a Midterm Voter Look Like?


Big question #1: How many voters are likely to turnout for the 2022 midterm election?

Quick answer: 104M

Key details for potential 2022 target audience:
1) U.S. 18+ population – 255M
2) Registered to vote – ≈ 208M (82%)
3) Likely turnout – 104M (50%)
4) Persuadable – ≈ 21M (20%)


Big question #2: What share of video ad frequency would swing voters see from TV vs. digital video?

Projected video ad frequency to swing voters:
1) Linear TV – 60%
2) Digital video (including CTV) – 40%


Big question #3: Is there a significant cost difference by market to reach swing voters?

Quick answer: Yes.  An early look at 2022 shows a potential 270% difference in eCPMs between the lowest cost market (Milwaukee) vs. the highest (Phoenix).

Projected eCPM to target midterm swing voters:
1) Milwaukee – $30
2) Minneapolis-St. Paul – $39
3) Raleigh-Durham – $65
4) Las Vegas – $76
5) Atlanta – $80
6) Philadelphia – $82
7) Tampa-St. Pete – $109
8) Phoenix – $111
9) Average – $69


or to participate.