The Great Race to Rule Streaming TV

Worth the time: Both this piece from the New York Times and REDEF are great deep dives on the streaming video space.

The bottom line: The force driving premium video content is similar to social media – the pursuit and monetization of our attention.

The end game and business models for each player will continue to look different.

Old question: Does this show deserve a primetime spot?

New question: Will this show drive subscriptions?

Interesting point: We spend significant time talking about the number of paid streaming subscriptions that people will sign up for, but very little talking about content discovery in a world of near-limitless choice.

Time spent making a content selection before abandoning according to Nielsen:
1) 18+ – 7.4 minutes
2) 18-34 – 9.4 minutes
3) 35-54 – 8.4 minutes
4) 50+ – 5 minutes

Top methods for discovering streaming video content:
1) 58% tune in to favorite channels
2) 44% scan through channels
3) 39% check descriptions from the guide/menu
4) 33% browse menus of various services
5) 26% use recommendations


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