Screen Wars Speaking Tour: 5 Spots Left

Exclusive opportunity: The State of the Screens community (10K strong) made the book a best-seller. Until Friday, this community will have an exclusive window to sign up for the speaking tour. I would be grateful for the opportunity to speak to your team and meet everyone in real life!

Big question: Who is this speaking tour for?

Quick answer #1: The following groups would find my speaking tour valuable:
1) Agencies (advertising/marketing)
2) Media networks (streaming/linear)
3) Brand advertisers
4) Ad tech companies (DSP/SSP, etc)
5) Sports teams/leagues
6) Political/public affairs organizations
7) Wall Street analysts
8) College classes/organizations

Quick answer #2: Last year, several groups pro-actively reached out and scheduled events, including:
1) Targeted Victory (agency)
2) TAG Strategies (agency)
3) Dallas Stars (sports team)
4) PMG (agency)
5) NYU Washington, DC (college class)


or to participate.