Pew Research: 7% of Americans Never Go Online

% of U.S. adults who don’t use the internet according to Pew:
1) 2000 – 48%
2) 2005 – 32%
3) 2010 – 24%
4) 2015 – 15%
5) 2020 – 7%

% of U.S. adults who don’t use the internet by age:
1) 65+ – 25%
2) 50-64 – 4%
3) 30-49 – 2%
4) 18-29 – 1%

% of U.S. adults who don’t use the internet by income:
1) <$30K – 14%
2) $30K-$50K – 9%
3) $50K-$75K – 2%
4) $75K+ – 1%

% of U.S. adults who don’t use the internet by education:
1) HS or less – 14%
2) Some college – 3%
3) College+ – 2%

% of U.S. adults who don’t use the internet by location:
1) Rural – 10%
2) Suburban – 6%
3) Urban – 5%


or to participate.