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  • Nielsen: Americans are streaming 8 billion hours of content per month on connected TVs

Nielsen: Americans are streaming 8 billion hours of content per month on connected TVs

Nearly 2/3 of U.S. households have a device to stream video to a television according to Nielsen.

Video viewing hours per month on a TV set in the U.S.:
1) Linear TV — 38B
2) Streaming — 8B

Median age by device:
1) Live TV — 56
2) STB VOD — 45
3) Connected — 42
4) Desktop/mobile — 40

Read the full report here.

OTT viewing households by year:
1) 2016–44M
2) 2017–55M (↑ 25%)
3) 2018–60M (↑ 17%)


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