Digital Ad Spend Stronger Than Ever

Digital ad spend (YoY growth) according to IAB/PwC:
1) 2011 – $31.7B (↑ 22%)
2) 2012 – $36.6B (↑ 15%)
3) 2013 – $42.8B (↑ 17%)
4) 2014 – $49.5B (↑ 16%)
5) 2015 – $59.6B (↑ 20%)
6) 2016 – $72.6B (↑ 22%)
7) 2017 – $88.3B (↑ 22%)
8) 2018 – $107.5B (↑ 22%)
9) 2019 – $124.6B (↑ 16%)
10) 2020 – $139.8B (↑ 12%)

Big Question: How did the pandemic impact digital ad spend growth?

Quick answer: Quarterly growth declined in 2020-Q2 (↓ 5%) for the first time since 2009-Q3 (↓ 6%), but 2020-Q4 more than made up for it with 29% growth.

Digital ad spend YoY growth by quarter:
1) 2020-Q1 – ↑ 10%
2) 2020-Q2 – ↓ 5%
3) 2020-Q3 – ↑ 12%
4) 2020-Q4 – ↑ 29%

2019 vs 2020 quarterly advertising revenues

Share of spend by ad format:
1) Search – 42%
2) Display – 32%
3) Video – 19%
4) Other – 7%

Digital video ad spend (YoY growth):
1) 2017 – $11.9B
2) 2018 – $16.2B (↑ 36%)
3) 2019 – $21.7B (↑ 34%)
4) 2020 – $26.2B (↑ 21%)

Mobile share of digital video (non-CTV) ad spend:
1) 2018 – 63%
2) 2019 – 68%
3) 2020 – 70%

Digital ad spend YoY growth by format:
1) Video – ↑ 21%
2) Non-video – ↑ 10%

PwC IAB Internet Ad Revenue Report Webinar


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