Connected TV increases usage 75% 2016 to 2017

Connected TV (OTT) share of long-form video between 9–10 PM:
1) 2016–35%
2) 2017–48%

Device share of long-form video between 9–10 PM:
1) Connected TV — 48%
2) Tablet — 22%
3) PC — 19%
4) Smartphone — 11%

Addressable advertising on connected TV is already close to2X linear + video on demand (VOD)!

Share of addressable advertising on TV according to Magna Global:
1) Connected TV — $1.4B (63%)
2) Linear/VOD — $815M (37%)

Why do advertisers like connected TV advertising? It is the closest thing to TV ad quality with 97% completion rates and without the viewability issues that have plagued mobile/desktop.

Why do networks like connected TV advertising? The CPMs that they can charge are 3–4X higher than mobile.

Growth rate for addressable advertising on connected TV:
1) 2017 — ↑ 60%
2) 2018 — ↑ 52%

Growth rate for addressable advertising on linear/VOD:
1) 2017 — ↑ 34%
2) 2018 — ↑ 28%


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